Ruotsi växjö - autismikonferenssi



Welcome to Sweden and Växjö 11th-12th of May, 2009

-> Konferenssin kotisivut

Dear friends, fellow researchers,

we are proud to invite you to the 6th Nordic Conference on Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders, to be held in Växjö, Sweden, the very same place where it all began in 1999. We hope that this conference will be a success, comparable to the five already held, one in each of our Nordic countries. The conferences have been excellent platforms for presenting research as well as for discussions and formation of new research.

We have decided,in order to enhance the discussions between researchers, to keep invitations to this conference for researchers. Whether you study autism from the point of comorbidity, coping, diagnosis, epidemiology, genetics, parenthood, pathogenesis, screening, services, treatment efficacy or from another angle, we are interested in your contribution and participation.

Key note speakers, at this 10 year anniversary will be:

Dr. Christopher Gillberg. Who could be more suitable to summarise what have happened during these years and to outline future development?

Dr. Henrik Anckarsäter will speak on Autism spectrum conditions and criminal behaviours: what is the role of autism for crimes and what is the role of empathy problems for personality disorders?

Dr. Franceska Happé. To be confirmed. With this conference we want to make a difference for people with autism by better understanding them, their needs and how they contribute, and can contribute, to our societies.

Bengt Persson, Chair of the Scientific Committee Birgit Hubertsson, Chair of the Organising Committee Tony Andersson, Chair of the Organising Committee Hillevi Andersson, Secretary of the Organising Committee