Helsinki: allan schore - psykoterapia ja aivot



Helsinki 28.-29.9.2007 Paikka Folkhälsanin auditorio (aiemmissa ilmoituksissa Finlandia-talo!)

Ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus paneutua neuropsykiatrisesti orientoituneen kokeneen psykoterapeutti Allan Schoren näkemyksiin.

Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautumiset pirjo.tuovila(at) Seminaarin esite englanniksi. Siihen tullut muutos: On vain yksi hinta, 360 € sisältäen alv:n (huom!). Toinen lisätieto on, että tilaisuudessa on laadukas simultaanitulkkaus. Esite suomeksi.

This is a unique opportunity to work closely with Dr. Allan Schore, whose pioneering integrative work has almost single handedly moved contemporary theory from its traditional emphasis on “left-brain”, verbal, and cognitive processes to its current interest on “right-brain” emotional and relational processes and the importance of embodied and somatic states.

This 2-day intensive workshop will begin with an exploration of advances in the developmental neurobiology of attachment and the right brain. Dr. Schore will then describe the negative impact of relational trauma on the developmental trajectory of the right brain and his model of the origins of pathological dissociation. He will outline the intergenerational transmission of a predisposition to attachment trauma-related psychopathologies of self- regulation, including post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder in both children and adults. He will also describe his work in behavioral biology and elephant trauma.

On the second day, regulation theory will be directly applied to cutting edge models of psychotherapy of severe self-pathologies. He will discuss the essential role of implicit bodily-based nonverbal affective communications within the intersubjective field of the therapeutic alliance, the neurobiology of transference-countertransference, dissociation and projective identification, the critical role of interactive regulation in treatment, and neuroimaging studies of structural changes associated with psychotherapy. He will discuss the relevance of recent advances in developmental affective

neuroscience to clinically relevant and experimentally testable models of the essential qualities of the expert clinician.