Young Children In Brief Separation Series
Five studies of the effects of separation on young children.
A series of five complementary films by James and Joyce Robertson (on the right) on the responses of young children of previous good experience to separation from the mother.
The children were from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years old, and the mothers were in hospital for the birth of second babies.
Four of the children were fostered in the Robertson family where every attempt was made to compensate for the absence of the mother; the fifth child went into a residential nursery which, although kindly and well intentioned, failed to provide the child's need of stable substitute mothering.
These films illustrate how a young child's ability to cope with loss of the mother is affected by age, length of separation, level of development preparation, and the quality of substitute care that is given. They have therefore a wide use in teaching -- in paediatrics, nursing, child care, psychology, psychiatry, and the social sciences -- and in promoting professional and lay discussion of early child development.
All five films have the British Medical Association Certificate of Commendation for Education.
"... as good as a textbook on the subject of children's emotional needs. Each of these five films is a miniature work of art. Indispensable for child study classes and very informative for all who work with young children" -- Current audio-visual for Mental Health Education, 1979.
An illustrated Teaching Guide (49 pages) discusses each film in the series and suggests answers to many of the questions that arise in discussion; the guide also shows how the five films relate to each other, and how they can be used for teaching normal emotional development as well as about reactions to separation.
A copy of the Guide is supplied free with 'JOHN', which is the film most users start with; additional copies can be obtained for film 1.
-> Ed teksti ja tarkempi kuvaus kaikista filmeistä Tuottajan www-sivuilla. Aikoinaan filmille kuvatut taltioinnit ovat saatavilla VHS-videoina tai DVD-levykkeinä, joko ostettuna tai vuokrattuna tuottajalta. Hinnat ovat yksityiselle kliinikolle korkeat (vuokra-DVD £12, myynnistä £70-£90), mutta nämä korkeatasoiset ja erittäin pedagogiset taltioinnit kannattaisi varmaan olla ainakin jokaisessa yliopistosairaalassa, sen alueen kollegoiden katsottavissa.
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